Confirming that the Yottaa Script Is Running on Your Site's Pages

For Yottaa to work properly, the Yottaa script must be inserted on all of your site's pages.

(This topic does not apply if you are running Edge Acceleration so that Yottaa is your reverse proxy.

To confirm that the script is inserted on a page: 

  1. Open the page in your browser.

  2. Right-click the page and click View Page Source.

  3. Search for "<script src="https://" in your site code.

  4. If you find either the single tag or the two-tag sequence shown below on your site, you are already running Yottaa:

    The term "dynamic tag" refers to the code you embed at the beginning of your site to load Yottaa.

    If you include one <script> tag in your code that looks like this, you are already using the dynamic-tag approach:

    <script src="<site_key>.js"></script>

    If you currently embed a code snippet that looks like the one below, with two script tags, then you need to convert to a single, dynamic tag. If so, follow the instructions under Confirming that the Yottaa Script Is Running on Your Site's Pages.

    <script src="<version>.js?key=<your key>"></script>
    <script> Yo.configure('<your key></script>
  5. In the console, type Yo.rum.get().optState and confirm that it the optimization state is active.

  6. In Network tab, type yottaa and refresh the page.

  7. Confirm that the following requests appear: 

    • rapid.min.js

    • configure.rapid.js

    • beacon (event)

  8. If you don't see all three calls, or see an error, contact Customer Success.